Pink eJuice from Loaded by Ruthless is a bottled rendition of your favorite spun-sugar treat, just like the ones at the carnival! Take your taste buds on a whimsical adventure with this all-day vape juice and you’ll feel like you’ve entered the carnival of the clouds. Pick up your 120mL bottle at Cheap eJuice now!
Pink eJuice from Loaded by Ruthless
Brand: Loaded by Ruthless | Bottle Size: 120ml | Flavor: Fruit
When’s the last time you took a trip to the carnival and let your imagination run wild in the magical essence that is the circus? Now, you can relive the nostalgia from your childhood with Pink eJuice from Loaded by Ruthless! To get this mouthwatering flavor, we had to take a literal trip down memory lane.
We headed to a summer carnival to find a freshly spun cone of our favorite dessert: cotton candy of course! We dodged comical clowns and friendly elephants, and stopped right at a brightly colored stall. The magical cotton candy device looked empty at first, but closer inspection revealed delicate strands of silky spun sugar. A white-gloved hand reached into the machine and snagged a fistful of the sugary strands, whisking it atop a white paper cone. The awe and wonder of your childhood came rushing back to us, and after one taste, you’ll clamor like a child once you try this delicate flavor in eJuice form! This all-day flavor promises to delight your taste buds with this same whimsical excitement and deliver smooth and sweet pink flavor for as long as you desire. Pick up 120mL bottles at 0mg, 3mg, and 6mg nicotine strength of Pink eJuice from Loaded by Ruthless today from Cheap eJuice and sink into the sweet and silky clouds of pink cotton candy once more!